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  • Services & Meetings

    9:30 am–Sunday School (all ages) & Adult Bible Fellowship

    11:00am–Morning Worship Service

    6:30–8:oo pm–Wednesdays (Oct-April)
    Awana Club Night for kids K-6




Links to other websites

Biblical Counseling

Resources for counseling

  • Faith Biblical Counseling –
    Faith Biblical Counseling provides counseling and counseling training based on the Bible. Free biblical counseling is provided to the community through our counseling center. In addition, we provide numerous training conferences for those seeking to help others using God’s Word.
  • Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
  • For nearly 40 years, the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) has been certifying biblical counselors to ensure doctrinal integrity and to promote excellence in biblical counseling.
  • Pure Life Ministries –
    Pure Life Ministries exists to serve Christian individuals and organizations dealing with sexual sin throughout the world by providing biblically based counseling, teaching materials and a public speaking ministry with the goal of leading Christians to victory over sexual sin and into a deeper life in God.
  • Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation –
  • Institute for Nouthetic Studies –
    Now you can study Nouthetic/Biblical counseling under Dr. Jay Adams anywhere there is Internet access—your desktop computer at home or the office, your laptop at Starbucks, or your iPad on the beach. Check out our all new website and learn how you can begin studying today with the man who has led the way to a Christ honoring, thoroughly biblical approach to counseling in our generation.
  • Twelve Stones –
    The mission of TS is to return “soul care” to the church by helping the hurting, training those who will walk alongside them and encouraging both as they intentionally apply the life changing Word of God. Our mission is being accomplished through the following means: * Bringing the hope of Christ to the hurting through a short-term residential biblical counseling retreat. * Training and equipping advocates who will walk alongside them. See FAQ #5 for more information . * Applying truth and grace utilizing a specific, tailored, biblical plan of action.
  • Biblical Counseling Center –
    Resources for Biblical counseling including an on-line bookstore, articles about counseling, and information about Biblical counseling.
  • Lou Priolo Resources –
    Louis Paul Priolo was the director of the Center for Biblical Counseling at Eastwood Presbyterian Church in Montgomery, Alabama. A graduate of Calvary Bible College and Liberty University, he is the author of several books, including The Heart of Anger, The Complete Husband, Teach Them Diligently and Pleasing People. Lou is a Fellow in the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors and instructor at the Birmingham Theological Seminary. He travels frequently throughout the United States and abroad teaching at Christian marriage, family and counseling conferences.
  • Counsel from the Cross Ministries — Elyse Fitzpatrick –
    Welcome to my site and to the reminder that Jesus Christ is to be preeminent in all that we think, say and do. I have determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I believe that God is powerful enough to use all my weakness and sin to make me contagiously grateful for grace.
  • RPM Ministries –
    Most Christians care deeply but struggle to speak the truth in love. RPM Ministries exists to equip pastors, lay people, educators, students, and Christian counselors to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth through Christ-centered, comprehensive, compassionate, and culturally-informed biblical counseling and spiritual direction.
  • Biblical Counseling Coalition –
    The BCC exists to strengthen churches, para-church organizations, and educational institutions by promoting excellence and unity in biblical counseling as a means to accomplish compassionate outreach and effective discipleship.
  • Vision of Hope –
    Vision of Hope Ministries recognizes the worth and sanctity of human life by ministering to young women, children, and families in a Christ – centered environment. We offer a faith-based residential treatment program for girls age 14 – 28 struggling with: * Unplanned pregnancy * Alcohol or drug abuse * Eating disorders * Self-harm
  • Peacemaker Ministries –
    Because God has reconciled us to himself through Christ, Christians can be reconciled to one another.

Books and Resources

  • Christian Book –
    Christian Book Distributors
  • Regular Baptist Press –
  • Faith Resources –
    A ministry of Faith Baptist Church, Lafayette, IN Faith Resource is a full service library and bookstore that seeks to provide practical resources that address everyday problems.
  • A Beka Books –
  • Bob Jones University Press –
  • The Shepherd Press Blog –
    A blog by Jay Younts to help you with the issues of parenting, authority, discipline, worldview, and a host of helpful subjects from a Biblical perspective.
  • Crown Financial Ministries –
    Crown Financial Ministries’, founded in 1976, is an interdenominational ministry dedicated to equipping people around the world to learn, apply, and teach biblical financial principles.
  • Balanced Evangelism –
    Welcome to Balanced Evangelism where you can easily, and free of charge, obtain resources and materials to assist you in reaching the lost for Christ. Pastor Pete Mothershead from Santa Clarita, California is the author of several books published by Balanced Evangelism, including Balanced Evangelism IV and First Steps.
  • Wallbuilders –
    WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built ‘ a foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined.
  • The Gospel
    This website contains resources, blogs, book reviews and information related to ministry.  “We are a fellowship of evangelical churches deeply committed to renewing our faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming our ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures.”

Camps and Conferences

  • Gitche Gumee Bible Camp –
    Located in the Keweenaw Peninsula of Upper Michigan.
  • The Wilds –
    Christian Camp and Conference Center in North Carolina.

Christian Media

  • WHWL–Gospel Opportunities, Inc. –
    WHWL/WEUL/WHWG. Gospel Opportunities, Inc. owns and operates three radio stations and ten translators across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and northern Lower Michigan.
  • Back to the Bible –
    Back to the Bible is a worldwide Christian ministry dedicated to leading people into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. We use radio, the Internet, TV and other media to share the Gospel message and help Christians grow to spiritual maturity through Bible teaching and engagement.
  • Revive Our Hearts –
    Calling women to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ Based in Niles, Michigan, Revive Our Hearts is an outreach of Life Action Ministries. We are believing God for a widespread personal and corporate revival and reformation among women. We reach out to Christian women with three primary outreaches: conferences and events, daily media, and resources and publications. From this web site you can check out two other web sites: Lies Young Women Believe True Women/ Blog
  • Grace to You –
    Broadcast information and other resources of John MacArthur: unleasing God’s truth one verse at a time.
  • Turning Point –
    The ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah.
  • Truth for Life –
    The ministry of Alistair Begg: Alistair Begg has been in pastoral ministry for 30 years.
  • Focus on the Family –
  • Baptist Bulletin –
    The Baptist Bulletin is the official publication of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches and is published by Regular Baptist Press.
  • WORLD Magazine –
    WORLD tries to be salt, not sugar. We want our readers to enjoy the world God has made, full as it is of nooks and crannies and weirdness. We stand for factual accuracy and biblical objectivity, trying to see the world as best we can the way the Bible depicts it. Journalistic humility for us means trying to give God’s perspective. We distinguish between issues on which the Bible is clear and those on which it isn’t. We also distinguish between journalism and propaganda: We’re not willing to lie because someone thinks it will help God’s cause. We believe that our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever’and forever begins right now. Check out all the resources available.
  • Family Research Council –
    Family Research Council (FRC) was founded in 1983 as an organization dedicated to the promotion of marriage and family and the sanctity of human life in national policy. Through books, pamphlets, media appearances, public events, debates and testimony, FRC’s team of experienced policy experts review data and analyze proposals that impact family law and policy in Congress and the executive branch. FRC also strives to assure that the unique attributes of the family are recognized and respected through the decisions of the courts and regulatory bodies.
  • Prophecy Today –
    “Examining current events in the light of God’s prophetic Word” Heard Saturdays on from 1-2:30 PM

Church Ministries

Websites from our friends around the country.

  • Faith Church –
    5526 State Rd. 26 E, Lafayette, IN. Faith Baptist Church is a family of followers of Jesus Christ who desire to honor God by applying His sufficient Word to all areas of life and ministry. We seek to do this by growing stronger, reaching out, serving together, meeting needs, and strengthening others. Learn about all the ministries of Faith. Listen to the weekly sermon by clicking on the web page.
  • Berean Baptist Church in Brooklyn Park, MN –
    This is the sending church of David and Kristi Flinck.

Creation Resources

  • Answers in Genesis –
    Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith, and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible.
  • Institute for Creation Research –
    The Institute for Creation Research equips believers with evidences of the Bible’s accuracy and authority through scientific research, educational programs, and media presentations, all conducted within a thoroughly biblical framework.
  • Creation Museum –
    The Creation Museum, opened May 28, 2007, presents a “walk through history.” Designed by a former Universal Studios exhibit director, this state-of-the-art 60,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life. A fully engaging, sensory experience for guests. Murals and realistic scenery, computer-generated visual effects, over fifty exotic animals, life-sized people and dinosaur animatronics, and a special-effects theater complete with misty sea breezes and rumbling seats. These are just some of the impressive exhibits that everyone in your family will enjoy. Hours Monday ‘ Saturday 10 a.m. ‘ 6 p.m. Sunday* 12 p.m. ‘ 6 p.m. *Memorial Day to Labor Day Only Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/Day, New Year ‘ Eve/Day Admission Adult (13-59 yrs) $19.95 Senior (60 yrs & up) $14.95 Children (5-12 yrs) $9.95 Children (under 5 yrs) Free Planetarium with admission, $5

Educational Ministries

Schools and colleges

  • Bob Jones University –
    Who We Are Bob Jones University exists to grow Christlike character that is scripturally disciplined, others-serving, God-loving, Christ-proclaiming and focused above.
  • Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary in Ankeny, IA –
    The mission of Faith Baptist Bible College is to provide an intensive biblical, vocational, and general education on the college level with the goal of preparing students to minister effectively in Christian service through leadership positions in and through fundamental Baptist churches and other organizations of like convictions.
  • Maranatha University–Watertown, WI –
    Maranatha’s mission is to train all students to serve the Lord, but not all are called to full-time Christian service.
  • The Master’s College–Santa Clarita (southern), CA –
    For over 80 years, The Master’s College has provided quality, Christian liberal arts education to thousands of students around the world. Ranked 2nd in the West by US News & World Report as one of America’s Best Colleges in the category of Best Comprehensive Baccalaureate Colleges for nine consecutive years, The Master’s College boasts 13 major fields of study with 54 distinctive emphases, all taught by highly qualified faculty. Under the leadership of president Dr. John MacArthur, The Master’s College has been one of the fastest growing Christian colleges in America and continues to provide quality education both on campus and through online distance education.
  • Central Baptist Theological Seminary–Virginia Beach, VA –
    It is the mission of Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Virginia Beach to equip each student for local church ministry and missions worldwide through biblical academic training in a ministry-based environment that seeks to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and to uphold His inerrant word. The seminary mission statement is conceptualized in the slogan, Sharpening Servants for Global Ministry. We fulfill our mission by a compassionate commitment to the text of Scripture taught in the context of a local church. It is our desire to understand and to apply the New Testament rule of life, the grace of God to every aspect of life and ministry.
  • Patrick Henry College–Purcellville,VA –
    Institutional Mission, Vision, and Distinctives The Mission of Patrick Henry College is to prepare Christian men and women who will lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values and fidelity to the spirit of the American founding. Educating students according to a classical liberal arts curriculum, and training them with apprenticeship methodology, the College provides academically excellent baccalaureate level higher education with a biblical world view. The Vision of Patrick Henry College is to aid in the transformation of American society by training Christian students to serve God and mankind with a passion for righteousness, justice and mercy, through careers of public service and cultural influence.
  • Central Baptist Theological Seminary–Plymouth, MN –
    The mission of Central Baptist Theological Seminary [CBTS] is to assist New Testament churches in equipping spiritual leaders for Christ-exalting biblical ministry.
  • Michigan Family Forum –
    Michigan Family Forum (MFF) is a private, non-profit research and education institution based in Lansing, MI. Our goal is to strengthen Michigan families by encouraging sound public policy. The four key areas of focus are: Strengthening Marriage Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Protecting Our Children Honoring Our Elders


  • AWANA Clubs International –
    * Dynamic fun for children, teens and adults alike! Questions about how Awana can help your church? Click here or call 1-888-292-6249. For customer care and service, call 1-866-292-6227. High Power Soccer is a great children’s ministry summer outreach for your church High Power catalog ad Rorheim Institute ad Start Awana ad 24-7 Ministries ad Kid Matters children’s ministry, youth ministry, parent ministry radio ad Awana Clubs Churches and parents get connected through weekly programs and special events that introduce children to Christ and build a biblical foundation for their faith.
  • CBM–Continental Baptist Missions –
    A mission agency based in Grand Rapids, MI, dedicated to evangelizing and rechurching the United States of America.
  • ABWE–Association of Baptists for World Evangelism –
    The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, based in Harrisburg, PA. ABWE is determined, under God, to be a spiritually empowered family of servants committed to glorifying Him. We will follow Christ’s command to preach the gospel throughout the world. As representatives of our sending churches, we boldly evangelize, disciple, train leadership and establish reproducing Baptist churches in agreement with our doctrinal statement. We are committed to integrity, excellence, compassion and accountability until our Lord returns.
  • BMM–Baptist Mid-Missions –
    Based in Cleveland, OH. More than 1,000 Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries serve on 6 continents in 50 countries of the world. Until He comes, Baptist Mid-Missions is committed to the partnership of fundamental, independent Baptist churches advancing biblical missionary enterprise to the ends of the earth.
  • BMW–Biblical Ministries Worldwide –
    Biblical Ministries Worldwide is a mission agency whose passion is to help churches plant reproducing churches through evangelism, discipleship and leadership development.
  • IBMA–Independent Baptist Mission for Asians –
    This is the mission agency that Aries and Rachel Gonzales are with. Our primary mission is to help win souls and establish indigenous New Testament Baptist churches in the continent of Asia through the local churches. IBMA is not established to compete with American missionaries. We are forever grateful to them for their efforts to reach the Asians. We believe however, that the nationals must take equal responsibility in reaching their people, especially in places where the foreign missionaries are unable to go due to political and security constraints. Asian nationals, as missionaries in reaching the Asians, is one of the fastest and most practical ways of fulfilling the Great Commission. The Independent Baptist Mission for Asians seeks to provide a channel through which local churches can extend their missionary efforts to the Asians in any part of the world. IBMA aims to provide its missionaries with logistical and administrative support, thus enabling the missionaries to perform their work for the Lord more effectively.
  • GMSA–Gospel Mission of South America –
    This is the mission agency that David and Kristi Flinck serve under in their ministry in Chile. Kristi’s Dad is the president of the mission.
  • Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry –
    We are a worldwide Christian ministry communicating biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while fostering solidarity with the Jewish people. In 1938 God raised up this ministry to help Jewish people escape the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust. Today we continue to stand against every form of anti-Semitism and support the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland, Israel.
  • Christian Law Association –
    CLA has served Bible-believing churches and Christians since 1969. CLA provides free legal services based in part on the generosity of God’s people. Your contribution to CLA is 501(c)(3) tax deductible. The Christian Law Association is a “ministry of legal helps.” Its purpose is to provide free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians who are experiencing legal difficulty in practicing their religious faith because of governmental regulation, intrusion, or prohibition of one form or another.
  • Bibles International –
    The Bible Society of Baptist Mid-Missions: Bringing together two eternal entities–People’s Souls and the Word of God

Social Agencies

  • Bringing Children Hope –
    At Bringing Children Hope we bring hope to hurting and troubled children and families, striving to teach them how to live godly in spite of painful or seemingly unfair circumstances. We provide this hope through group home and foster home care for children, Christian family and/or personal counseling, family life conferences, adoptive services and care for pre-born children. In short, if it affects the family, BCH is there to help.
  • Life Matters Worldwide
    Since 1984, the focus of Life Matters Worldwide has been enabling pro-life ministries through education, mobilization, and partnership.
  • Vision of Hope –
    Vision of Hope Ministries is a residential treatment center which recognizes the worth and sanctity of human life by ministering to young women, children, and families in a Christ ‘ centered environment. Vision of Hope is a safe place where love and compassion bring hope and healing.
  • Shepherds Ministries –
    Union Grove, WI. It is our desire to be a pre-eminent provider of Christ-centered services for people with developmental disabilities in order to encourage them in a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and support them in reaching Appropriate Independence.

   ~    Copyright © 2025 by Bible Baptist Church of Ishpeming    ~    Phone: (906)485-4653    ~    615 North Lake Drive, Box 372, Ishpeming, MI 49849    ~   
Ishpeming Bible Baptist Church