Our Church Missionary Family
Our AWANA program.
Marie Chase (Retired widow with CBM)
Email: jimmariechase@gmail.com
Mission Website: www.goCBM.org
Pray for Marie as she continues to adjust to life without Jim and goes through paperwork. Pray for God’s comfort.
David and Kristi Flinck (Missionaries with GMSA in Antofagasta, Chile)
Blog Page: http://www.chilejournal2.blogspot.com/
Email: davenkris7@gmail.com Facebook: Flincks in Chile
Mission Website: GMSA–Gospel Mission of South America – gmsa.org/
Aries and Rachel (Naomi and James) Gonzales (missionaries to the Philippines with IBMA )
Email: ariesgonzales@yahoo.com
Mission Website: ibmasians.org/
Pray for opportunities to minister in schools, to policemen, etc.
They are also on Facebook.
Rory and Kristy (Austin and Davis) Moore (Missionaries to Togo with ABWE)
Website: moorejourneys.shutterfly.com
Email: rkmoore@abwe.cc
Mission Website: abwe.org
Facebook: Village of Light School for the Blind (and individually on Facebook)
Dave and Ev Southwell Retired ABWE Global Missions Director for Latin America and the Caribbean
Email: dbsouthwell@abwe.cc
Facebook: ABWE and David Bryce Southwell
Mission Website: abwe.org
Praise and pray for their opportunities to teach the Word of God in Sunday School at their local church on Sundays.
Continued good health.
Time spent with family.
Blessed beyond measure,
Dave and Ev Southwell
Baptist Children’s Home (BCH) Website: www.baptistchildrenshome.org
Email: info@baptistchildrenshome.org
MI Home Email: baptistchildrens@gmail.com
Thank you for praying for us. Bill Brittan, President
CEF of Upper MI, Inc., North Central Chapter
Website: www.cefuppermi.com
Email: doan.cheryl@yahoo.com
Cheryl and Jim Doan–989-506-2325 (cell); PO Box 11, Manistique, MI 49854
Thank you for your prayers for the children.
For the great love of the children,
Cheryl and Jim Doan
Continental Baptist Missions (CBM) Bill Jenkin (Terri), President
Email: bjenkin@gocbm.org
Pray for Bill and Terri Jenkin and the missionaries of CBM. Pray for safety in travel, salvation of family and contacts, and comfort in loss of loved ones.
Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches (MARBC) Ken Floyd (Sharon), Executive Director, State Representative
Website: www.marbc.net
Email: kfloyd@marbc.net
Pray for Ken and Sharon Floyd and pastors throughout Michigan.
WHWL(95.7) Gospel Opportunities, Inc.
Website: www.whwl.net Email: whwl@whwl.net
Facebook: Gospel Opportunities Radio Network
Andy (Beth)Larsen, Station Manager
Continue to pray for financial support for the ministry.